Key Specifications/ Special Features:
1220 x 2440mm 1220 x 1830mm 1250 x 2450mm(4'x8')
1220 x 2420mm 1220 x 1820mm 1250 x 1850mm (4'x6')
1600 x 2600mm 1500 x 2100mm 1850 x 2450mm (6'x8')
2050 x 3050mm Cut to sizes
2.0mm- 3/32''
3.0mm- 1/8'' 4.5mm- 3/16''
6.0mm- 1/4'' 9.0mm- 3/8''
12.0mm- 1/2'' 18.0mm- 3/4''
25.40mm- 1''
Flexible thickness:30mm
Color:Clear Transparent
Colors: Golden fabric Silvery fabric Glitter Solid surface Frsoted
Opaque Opal Milky Customize color
Weather resisting: Strong surface hardness and good weather resisting property.
Transparency: Perfect transparency and the light transmittance with 93%.
Electrical insulation : Excellent electrical insulation, very light in weight
Plasticity: High plasticity, processing and shaping easier
Advertisement:Silk screen printing, engraving materials, exhibition board,denoters;
Building& Decoration: Decorative sheets for outdoors and indoors, storage racks;
Vessel&Vehicle: Interior decorating materials of buses, train, subway, steamships;
Furniture: Office furniture, kitchen cabinet, bathroom cabinet